Supplee Wills-Jones - Half ... | |
Supplee Wills-Jones - Half Pint and Quart Milk Bottle - Chester, PA - Lot of 2 - Sold on eBay Dec, 14th 2019 for $25.00 | |
Up for bid is a very nice pair of Supplee Wills-Jones - Milk Bottles - From Chester, PA - Pyro Quart and Embossed Half Pint Please see the pictures nbsp; nbsp; br />The Half Pint Bottle is in excellent shape! I have been told this dairy was in Chester, PA. Quart is in good shape, shows some case wear, staining br />Embossed on the Half Pint BottleSUPPLEE WILLS-JONES - frontS - on backREGISTERED - 3 II - mTc HALF PINT LIQUID - around the baseS - on bottom Embossed on the Quart Bottle1 QT LIQUID REGISTERED - around the baseS - on bottom Please feel f... | |