TRPQ Milk Bottle Mansfield ... | |
TRPQ Milk Bottle Mansfield Dairy Farm Stowe VT '54 SKIING COW MOUNT MANSFIELD VT - Sold on eBay Jan, 19th 2020 for $99.99 | |
img{max width:100 }TRPQ Milk Bottle Mansfield Dairy Farm Stowe VT '54 SKIING COW MOUNT MANSFIELD VT Here is a nice nbsp;tall nbsp;round nbsp;green nbsp;color nbsp;pyroglazed nbsp;quart nbsp;milk bottle from theMansfield Dairy Farm nbsp;Farms nbsp;Dairy Farm Dairy Farms Farm that once was operated nbsp;and nbsp;located nbsp;in historicStowe VT Vermont nbsp;in nbsp;Lamoille Co. County VT. Pyro is nbsp;different nbsp;front and back. Front has a nice picture of a cow's head and says, "Mansfield Dairy Stowe VT Back has a nice picture of a c... | |