TRPP Milk Bottle A R White ... | |
TRPP Milk Bottle A R White White's Dairy Product Burlington VT CHITTENDEN COUNTY - Sold on eBay Feb, 7th 2020 for $29.99 | |
img{max width:100 }TRPP Milk Bottle A R White White's Dairy Product Burlington VT CHITTENDEN COUNTY Here is a nbsp;nice nbsp;tall roundorange color pyroglazedpint milk bottle from the White White s nbsp;Dairy nbsp;Products Farm nbsp;Dairy nbsp;Farm Dairies nbsp;Dairy nbsp;Farm Dairy nbsp;Dairy nbsp;Farm Dairy Farm Dairy Farm dairy farm that once was operatedby Mr. A. R. White and his family and located nbsp;in nbsp;historic nbsp;Burlington VT Vermont nbsp;in nbsp;Chittenden nbsp;Co County nbsp;VT nbsp; nbsp;Pyro isdifferent front and back. Front... | |