SSPQ Milk Bottle H Morton ... | |
SSPQ Milk Bottle H Morton Perry Perry's Dairy Akron NY ERIE CO Perry's ICE CREAM - Sold on eBay Apr, 3rd 2020 for $100.00 | |
img{max width:100 }SSPQ Milk Bottle H Morton Perry Perry's Dairy Akron NY ERIE CO Perry's ICE CREAM Here is a nbsp;nice nbsp;short square nbsp;orange nbsp;color pyroglazed nbsp;quart nbsp;milk bottle from the Perry Perry's Dairy Farm dairy farm that once was operatedby Mr. H Morton Perry and his family and located nbsp;in nbsp;historic nbsp;Akron nbsp;NY New York nbsp;in nbsp;Erie Co. County NY now known as Perry's Ice Cream nbsp; nbsp;Pyro is the same front and back nbsp;and nbsp;says "Perry's Dairy Akron NY nbsp; nbsp;Pyro nbsp;is nbsp;complete ... | |