TRPQ Milk Bottle Riverview ... | |
TRPQ Milk Bottle Riverview Dairy Comical Cow Blowing Own Horn 1946 LOCATION??? - Sold on eBay May, 28th 2020 for $34.99 | |
img{max width:100 }TRPQ Milk Bottle Riverview Dairy Comical Cow Blowing Own Horn 1946 LOCATION??? Here is a nbsp;nice nbsp;tall round nbsp;orange nbsp;color pyroglazed nbsp;quart milk bottle from the nbsp;Riverview nbsp;Dairy nbsp;Farm Dairy Farm Dairy Farm dairy farm that once was operatedand located nbsp;somewhere in nbsp;historic nbsp;USA nbsp; nbsp;Location of the dairy is not known to the seller at this time. Pyro nbsp;is nbsp;different nbsp;front and back. Front says, "Riverview Dairy Dial 8880". The back has a nice picture of a comical cow ... | |